Saturday 8 February 2014

Keeping away headache at odd times

Most of us would have experienced having headache at odd times, especially when you are out with family and friends. That could be the most displeasing moment, as you would prefer holding your head instead of laughing at the jokes shared or even missing gossips if you are a girl. These annoying moments can be turned into a memorable one if you keep the headache at bay. So what can one do to get relief instantly? A crocin or pain balm?? What if you don’t have them with you? So,here are few simple steps you can follow. You might have heard these before but not following it.. or this might be new an informative.
When suffering from headache, close the right nostril and breath through left nostril for 5 – 10 minutes. This will cure the head ache. This is a very simple remedy for headache that can be done wherever we are, whether in office or any other places or during travel also.

Palming for your eyes will help to relieve tension in eyes and head. Sit comfortably on a chair. Take a pillow and have it on your lap. Incase you don’t find a pillow just find a surface to rest your elbows. Close your eyes. Keep both the palm on your both eyes. The palm should be in the form of a cup, so that it is not touching your eyes. You can rest your hand on the pillow. Do this palming for 20 minutes. It is always good for people who have more strain on their eyes.

So next time you experience a headache when out, try these out and make yourself feel better!

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